Broken Bones and Fractures from Car Accidents in Charlotte, NC
Broken bones or fractures from an accident will heal over time with the proper quality medical care – in most cases. The biggest problem most will face is the medical bills themselves, which as we all know, have been consistently rising over the years. The cost of treatment of a broken bone, follow-up care, and physical therapy can lead to outrageous hospital bills and medical expenses.
A broken bone will also often keep the injured party out of work; and if they have a manual labor job or sustain a painful break, like a compound fracture, it could mean months out. If you suffered the injuries because of a person’s negligence, the law could entitle you to recover compensation for damages. If you need help after an accident leading to broken bones and fractures, contact Edwards Injury Law today.
Common Broken Bones and Fracture Causes
A broken bone can easily happen in a severe accident. Some of the more common reasons for these injuries include:
Vehicle Collisions, Including Truck and Motorcycle Accidents
The skeletal system protects our vulnerable organs from injuries caused by powerful blows or other trauma. So, our bones essentially shield and protect the body from injuries that could cause life-threatening harm. Vehicle collisions, however, can cause such an intense blow to the body that It can easily fracture one or more bones. Vehicle collisions are the most common cause of broken and fractured bones, with motorcycle riders at the highest risk of suffering severe injuries in crashes.
Premises Liability Cases Including Slip and Falls
Everyone slips occasionally, but many do not see it as a severe accident with the potential to cause painful and lasting injuries. Yet, a slip and fall accident in the wrong place can actually lead to significant injuries, including broken bones and fractures. Seniors, especially individuals above 65, are at the highest risk of breaks, including hip fractures.
Attacks Including Assault and Domestic Violence
The trauma from a violent attack or physical assault could lead to many injuries, including broken or fractured bones. The injuries may occur whether or not the attacker is using a weapon. However, a gun or other weapon has the potential to cause more severe and life-altering damages.
The Treatment for Broken Bones and Fractures
After experiencing an accident that causes a broken bone, the first vital step is to seek medical treatment. A medical care provider will take x-rays and other tests to determine the exact location and severity of the break. Severe breaks and fractures may require surgery for repair and complete recovery. While many broken bones will heal appropriately with quality medical care and rest, there is the potential for ongoing problems, including:
Ongoing Aches and Pains or Stiffness
If the injured party does not receive all the necessary care, it is not uncommon to suffer from ongoing aches and pains or stiffness around the area of injury. Many broken bones require continuous physical therapy for a full recovery. The party’s age at the time of the damage also plays a significant role in recovery.
Nerve or Blood Vessel Damage
Broken bones may also lead to nerve or blood vessel damage. When the injured party notices the area is numb, or there is tingling, they could have circulation problems and need immediate care.
When a fall leads to a fracture, it is not uncommon to lead to osteoarthritis if the injured party does not receive quality medical care. The chance of osteoarthritis increases significantly if the plaintiff is older.
What to Do if You Suffered from Broken Bones as the Result of an Accident
After seeking treatment, the injured party should begin planning their claim to recover compensation for the damages. For example, if the plaintiff sustained the injuries in a vehicle collision, they should prepare to file a lawsuit against the negligent motorist. Compensation for the damages could cover:
- Medical bills and expenses for current and future care related to the accident
- The loss of wages while recovering at home
- Pain and suffering and emotional anguish
- Inconvenience
- Property damages
The sooner the injured party begins preparing the claim, the better chance they have for a positive outcome and maximum recovery amount. A skilled attorney would negotiate a settlement with the other driver’s insurance company on the plaintiff’s behalf. If they do not settle, they can handle the legal work necessary to take the claim to civil court.
How Edwards Injury Law Can Help
When a negligent party causes you or a loved one to suffer broken or fractured bone injuries, you should not pay the medical expenses they forced you to acquire. Civil law may entitle you to hold that party financially accountable when careless actions are at play. Edwards Injury Law could help you get the fair and just settlement you need for quality medical care and complete recovery. We are an innovative, efficient, and continually client-centric law firm ready to help you. Contact us today.
Car Accidents
Truck Accidents
Motorcycle Accidents
Negligent Security
Slip and Fall Accidents