Limb Loss and Amputation from Car Accidents in Charlotte, NC
Limb loss and amputation is the partial or total removal of a limb or extremity in an accident. The injured party could lose a leg, arm, hand, foot, toe, or finger. The most common form of traumatic amputation in personal injury claims is the sudden loss of a leg. Recovering from this form of severe and life-altering injury is a long and painful road. Besides the physical pain, the person also suffers severe emotional trauma and psychological injuries. The injured party will need extensive medical care, miss time from work, and feel significant deterioration in the quality of their life. However, recovery and going on to live a full and happy life are possible with the proper support and medical care.
In some cases, the injured party may suffer a traumatic amputation, meaning the accident completely severs the limb from the body. Some accidents cause severe damage to the body part, and the surgeon must amputate it because they cannot repair and save it during surgery. If you need help to recover compensation for damages in a negligence claim, contact a personal injury attorney from Edwards Injury Law.
North Carolina Statistics
According to the North Carolina Amputee Coalition, the number of amputations, whether by surgery or trauma, increases each year. While disease plays a significant part in the number of amputations, traumatic events make up approximately 45% of limb loss and amputation cases.
Common Limb Loss and Amputation Causes
While a sudden and traumatic amputation of a limb could happen in an accident, it is more common in:
Motorcycle Accidents
Because motorcycle riders have little protection when they crash while traveling at high speeds, there is significant potential for the amputation of a limb. The rider’s legs are particularly vulnerable. Losing a leg or other limb in an accident is severe, and there will be an excessive amount of blood loss.
Truck and Passenger Vehicle Accidents
The immense size and weight of semi- or other commercial trucks often cause the injuries after accidents to be severe. It is not uncommon for the driver or passenger in the car to suffer a traumatic amputation during a collision.
Assault or Other Violent Attacks
An assault can cause any number of severe injuries. The victim may suffer the loss of a limb because of a gunshot, stab wound, or other weapons the defendant uses during the violent attack.
Car Accidents
It is not uncommon for an individual to suffer a traumatic amputation during severe car crashes. The life-altering injuries could occur in collisions involving more than one vehicle or in pedestrian or bicyclist accidents.
Slip & Fall Accidents in Premises Liability Cases
A slip and fall accident can cause substantial trauma to a limb and lead to surgical amputation. A fall from a heightened area or slipping on a wet surface may cause severe injury to a body part. The elderly are most susceptible to traumatic amputations from a slip and fall accident.
Treatments After an Amputation
The first most critical step after suffering from an injury that leads to amputation of a limb is controlling the bleeding. Use bandages and bulky injury dressing and apply pressure to the area of the damage. Ensuring the amputated limb is secure and in a sterile location after the accident is also critical. Surgeons may have the ability to reattach the body part. The parties helping the injured person must ensure the limb arrives safely at the hospital with the patient.
What to Do if You Suffered an Amputation Following an Accident
After a severe accident leading to limb loss and amputation, the first most crucial step is seeking medical care immediately. After seeking medical care, even though it is challenging for most to think about after such a traumatic event, it is critical to begin the personal injury process. There are statutes in place to limit the time in which a person has to file civil claims. The insurance company for the defendant is also likely to start calling immediately. Reaching out to a qualified injury attorney will benefit the injured party greatly. Edwards Injury Law can handle the insurance company communication and negotiations on your behalf and complete all the necessary legal steps for a successful damages claim.
Damage Recovery After an Accident-Causing Amputation
The sudden loss of a limb will cause devastating effects for the injured party and their family. Civil law considers an amputation during an accident catastrophic and pays the injured party compensation accordingly. A successful claim would mean payment for:
A settlement would provide compensation to cover all current and future medical bills and expenses for ongoing care.
- Any physical or psychological therapy the plaintiff may require in the aftermath.
- The award would also provide money to cover expenses and the loss of pay during recovery and future earning potential if they cannot return to the same job after the severe injury.
- Award amounts to cover the psychological damages, mental anguish, pain and suffering, and loss of the enjoyment of life that amputees deal with after the injury.
All personal injury claims have their own set of circumstances and differences. A skilled injury lawyer has the ability to review your case and solidly calculate the potential damage recovery.
How Edwards Injury Law Can Help
If you suffered a severe injury leading to amputation in an accident, your life will change dramatically. If the accident occurred because of negligence, state laws might entitle you to recover compensation for the damages. A compassionate and hard-working lawyer at Edwards Injury Law can advocate on your behalf and fight tirelessly for the settlement amount you need to live a happy and fulfilling life. We are a veteran-owned and black-owned business with the experience to take on today’s complex legal challenges. If negligence caused you or someone you love to suffer a limb loss and amputation, contact our office today.
Car Accidents
Truck Accidents
Motorcycle Accidents
Negligent Security
Slip and Fall Accidents